Monday, January 19, 2015

Balance sheet of 3 Companies

We compare the balance sheet of three companies P, Q and R in the year 2005. .

We found the total profit of all three companies to be Rs 60 crores and the profit of Company P is the average profit of all these three companies. Profit of Company Q is 20% less than that of Company P and profit of Company R is 20% more than that of Company P. Profit of Company Q is 20% of the income of Company R. Profit of Company Q is also equal to 40% of the expenses of Company P, which is equal to the income of Company Q. 

What is the average expenditure of all the three companies?
(1) Rs 24 crores  
(2) Rs 36 crores  
(3) Rs 40 crores 
(4) Rs 44 crores  
(5) None of these

Watch this space for answer in a week.

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