Saturday, December 13, 2014

Replace the question mark..

Watch this space for answer in a week.

10 identical bottles of pills,find the heavy one..

We have 10 identical bottles of identical pills (each bottle contain hundred of pills). Out of 10 bottles 9 have 1 gram of pills but 1 bottle has pills of  weight of 1.1 gram. 

Given a measurement scale, how would you find the heavy bottle?

 You can use the scale only once.

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find the age of Kids

Two old friends, Jack and Bill, meet after a long time.

A : Hey, how are you man?
B : Not bad, got married and I have three kids now.
A : That’s awesome. How old are they?
B : The product of their ages is 72 and the sum of their ages is the same as your birth date.
A : Cool… But I still don’t know.
B : My eldest kid just started taking piano lessons.
A : Oh now I get it.

How old B's kids were??

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Burning Rope Puzzle

A man has two ropes of varying thickness (Those two ropes are not identical, they aren’t the same density nor the same length nor the same width). Each rope burns in 60 minutes. He actually wants to measure 45 min. How can he measure 45 min using only these two ropes.

He can’t cut the one rope in half because the ropes are non-homogeneous and he can’t be sure how long it will burn.

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cube and dice Nonverbal Puzzle

Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the given sheet of paper (X).

A) 1 and 3

B) 1 and 4

C) 2 and 4 

D) 3 and 4

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Nonverbal Reasoning Figure puzzle

Group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once.

A) 1,2,6 ; 3,4,7 ; 5

B) 1,3 ; 2,6 ; 4,5,7

C) 1,2,6,7 ; 3 ; 4,5

D) 1,3 ; 2,4,5 ; 6,7

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find out figures..

Group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once

1) 7,8,9 ; 2,4,3 ; 1,5,6

2) 1,3,5 ; 2,4,6 ; 7,8,9

3) 1,5,9 ; 3,6,2 ; 4,7,8

4) 1,9,7 ; 2,8,5 ; 3,4,6

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Situation-Reaction Test

On reaching the railway station, you find that the train you wanted to catch is just to start and there is hardly any time for purchasing the ticket. The best thing for you is to :

A. Rush to the train rather than miss it and inform the T.T.I. at the next stoppage about your                   inability to purchase the ticket.      
B. Rush to the train and perform your journey quietly.    
C. First purchase the ticket and then catch the train if it is there.  
D. Miss the train rather than take the risk of boarding the moving train.  

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Time Sequence Puzzle

Standing on a platform, Amit told Sunita that Aligarh was more than ten kilometers but less than fifteen kilometers from there. Sunita knew that it was more than twelve but less then fourteen kilometers from there. 

If both of them were correct, 

which of the following could be the distance of Aligarh from the platform ?

A) 11 km           B) 12 km                  C) 13 km                   D) 14 km                  E)15 km

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Jumble Puzzle

 There is a group of five persons – A, B, C, D and E.

  • One of them is a horticulturist, one is a physicist, one is a journalist, one is an industrialist and one is an advocated.
  • Three of them – A, C and advocate prefer tea to coffee and two of them – B and the journalist prefer coffee to tea.
  • The industrialist and D and A are friend to one another but two of these prefer coffee to tea.
  • The horticulturist is C`s brother.

Who is an industrialist ?

      1) A                      2) B                       3) C                  4) D                     5) E

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Verbal Reasoning Puzzle

Madhu and Shobha are good in Dramatics and Computer Science.

Anjali and Madhu are good in Computer Science and Physics.

Anjali, Poonam and Nisha are good in Physics and Mathematics.

Poonam and Shobha are good in History and Dramatics.

Who is good in Computer Science, History and Dramatics ? 

1) Anjali
2) Madhu
3) Shoba
4) Nisha

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find the Knowledgeable person??

Compare the knowledge of persons X, Y, Z, A, B and C in relation to each other :

 1. X knows more than A. 
 2. Y knows as much as B. 
 3. Z knows less than C.
 4. A knows more than Y.

 The best knowledgeable person among all is :

1) X              2) Y              3) A              4) C

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Aptitude Verbal Reasoning Puzzle

P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are eight friends studying in three different engineering colleges- A, B and C in three disciplines- Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics with not less than two and not more than three in any college. Not more than three of them study in any of the three disciplines. W studies Electrical in college B with only T who studies Mechanical. P and Z do not study in college C and study in same discipline but not Electrical. R studies Mechanical in college C with V who studies Electrical. S studies Mechanical and does not study in the same college where R studies. Q does not study Electronics.

In which discipline does Q study ? 

(a) Electrical    (b) Mechanical    (c) Electrical or Mechanical    (d) Data inadequate    (e) None 

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Verbal Reasoning Teaching Puzzle

In a school, there were five teachers.

A and B were teaching Hindi and English.
C and D were teaching English and Geography.
D and A were teaching Mathematics and Hindi
E and B were teaching History and French.

Who among the teachers was teaching maximum number of subjects ?

1) A                2) B                      3) C                   4) D                    5) E

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Analytic Puzzle on Ships

Five ships J, K, L, M, and N are to be unloaded on 5 consecutive days beginning from Monday to Friday.

  • Each ship takes exactly one day to unload.
  • K must be unloaded on the day,preceding the day on which M and N are unloaded,
  • L can't be unloaded on Tuesday,
  • M is second ship unloaded after J

N can be unloaded on any day except??

1) Monday
2) Tuesday
3) Wednesday
4) Thursday
5) Friday

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Chance of selecting fabrics 3 out of 7

A combination of three fabrics is to be choose out of seven Fabrics F, G, H, J, K, L, and M to decorate the room according as following

  • If F or G are chosen the other also be chosen
  • H and J can't chosen together,
  • Either H or F or both must be chosen.

If K is chosen which of the following must be chosen??

1) F, H           2) F, L               3) G, H                 4) H, L       5) L, M

Watch this space for answer in a week.

find total number of games for each team..

There are 6 soccer teams A, B, C, D, E and F in the soccer league game. All the six teams play each Saturday during the season. Each team must play each of the other teams once and only once during the season.

  • Team A plays against Team D 1st and Team F 2nd,
  • Team B plays against Team E first and Team  C 3rd,
  • Team C plays against Team F 1st

What is the total number of games that each team play during the season??

A) 1         B) 2               C) 3               D) 4

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Analytic Reasoning

Nine professors - G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P are to appear on series of three panels. Each panel will consist of three professors and each professor will appear exactly once. The panel must be arranged as follows

1) I and N are must be same panel.

2) K and L must be on the same panel.

3) O and J cannot be same panel.

4) M must appear on the second panel.

5) Either J or M or both must appear on panel H.

The third panel consist all of the following except???

1) K, L, O          2)  K, L, J               3) G, H, J          4) G, I, N          5)  G, J, I

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find the group members in team..

 From a group of six boys M, N, O, P, Q, R and five girls G, H, I, J, K team of six is to be selected. Some of the criteria of selection are as follows: M and J go together, O cannot be placed with N, I cannot go with J, N goes with H; P and Q have to be together; K and R go together.

 If the team consists of two girls and I is one of them, the other members are ??





Watch this space for answer in a week.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Find present age of mother??

A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 yrs he will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old the mother at present??

A) 38

B) 40

C) 42

D) 44

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Races&Game problem

In a 500 m race, the ratio of the speeds of the two contestants A and B is 3:4. A has a start of 140 m. Then A wins by???

A) 60 m

B) 40 m

C) 20 m

D) 10 m

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Calender Puzzle

If Feb 12th 1986 falls on Wednesday, then Jan 1st 1987 falls on which day??

A) Wednesday

B) Tuesday

C) Thursday

D) Friday

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find out which day will comes on??

Today is Monday after 61 days it will be???

A) Tuesday

B) Monday

C) Saturday

D) Sunday

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Partnership solving puzzle

A starts a business with Rs.40,000/-. After 2 months B joined him with Rs. 60,000/-. C joined with them after some more time with Rs.1,20,000/-. At the end of the year out of total profit of 
Rs. 3,75,000/-, C gets Rs. 1,50,000 as his share.How many months after did B joined,did C join??

1) 4 months

2) 5 months

3) 6 months

4) 7 months 

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Time&work problem

Two men alone or three women alone can complete a piece of work in 4 days. In how many days one women and one man can complete the same piece of work??

1) 6 days                   2) 24/5 days                      3) 12/1.75 days           4) 8 days

Watch this space for answer in a week.

Find the second largest angle... in Traingle

One of the angles of a is triangle two thirds of sum of adjacent angles of parallelogram. Remaining angles in the triangle are in 5:7 ratio..What is the value of the second largest angle??

1) 25                               2) 30                          3) 35                  4) 42

Watch this space for answer in a week.