Thursday, December 18, 2014

Seven students are studying in which clg.

M, T, D, F, H, R and W are seven students studying in three different colleges I, II and III with at least two in each college. Each of them has a favorite subject from English, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, not necessarily in the same order.

  • D’s favorite subject is Physics and studies in college II with only M. 
  • H does not study in college III and he likes English. 
  • F studies in college III and does not like Mathematics. 
  • Those who like Geography and Chemistry study in the same college. 
  • W likes Biology and does not study in college I.
  •  R does not study with H. R does not like Chemistry.
  •  M does not like History..Reasoning

Which of the following combinations is correct ?

(1) I -M - Mathematics          (2) III-F-Chemistry                (3) III-F-Physics            (4) III-F-History       

Watch this space for answer in a week.

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