Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Quantitative Game Solving Puzzle

On the occasion of an opening ceremony of a Sports events, in a stadium there are total of 1200 players who are participating in four different events viz. Badminton, Hockey, Swimming and Shooting.

  •  The ratio between male to female players is  11 : 4 respectively.
  •  30% of the female players out of total female players are participating in Badminton.
  •  10% of female players out of total female players are participating in Hockey.
  •  The remaining female players are participating in Swimming and Shooting in the ratio of 1 : 3 respectively. 
  • The ratio of male players who are participating in Badminton and other events together is 3 : 5 respectively. 
  • 4% of those male players who are not participating in Badminton are participating in Shooting.
  •  Remaining male players are participating in Hockey and Swimming in the ratio of 5 : 3 respectively.

What is the ratio between the female players participating in Shooting to Hockey respectively?

(1) 9 : 5   
(2) 4 : 7  
(3) 7 : 4  
(4) 9 : 2  
(5) None of these

Watch this space for answer in a week.

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