Monday, November 3, 2014

Relation Puzzle

Here are clues about seven members of a family
  1. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of a family.
  2. There are two Doctors, two Teachers, two Professors and one Lawyer.
  3. No lady is either Teacher or Lawyer.
  4. Teacher's wife is a Professor and Lawyer's wife is also a Professor.
  5. C is the daughter-in-law of F and mother of E.
  6. B, a Doctor, is son of G, and E, who is not a Professor, is the daughter of Lawyer.
  7. A's husband is a Teacher and A is the mother-in-law of C and grandmother of B.
  8. F is the grandfather of B and D.

How many female members are there in the family??

1) Four
2) Two
3) Three
4) One

Watch this space for answer in a week.

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