Three goddess were sitting in an old Indian Temple, Their names were Truth ( always telling the truth), Lie ( always lying) and Wisdom (sometimes lying). A visitor asked the one on the left: "who is sitting next to you?"
"Truth," she answered.
Then he asked the one in the middle: "Who are you?"
Lastly he asked the one on the right: "Who is your neighbour?"
"Lie." she replied
And then it became clear who is who ???
1) Left said Middle is Truth
2) Middle said I am Wisdom
3) Right said Middle is Lie
If Left is Truth, Middle should be Wisdom or Lie. So, left is lying. So, left can be False or Wisdom
Middle also can be False or Wisdom
So, Right should be Truth.
As Right said, Middle is Lie, and thus Left is Wisdom.
2) Middle said I am Wisdom
3) Right said Middle is Lie
If Left is Truth, Middle should be Wisdom or Lie. So, left is lying. So, left can be False or Wisdom
Middle also can be False or Wisdom
So, Right should be Truth.
As Right said, Middle is Lie, and thus Left is Wisdom.
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