Monday, September 29, 2014

Placing arrangement

All the roads of a city are either perpendicular or parallel to one another. The roads are all straight. Roads A, B, C, D and E are parallel to one another. Roads G, H, I, J, K, L and M are parallel to one another.
(i). Road A is 1 km east of road B.
(ii). Road B is ½ km west of road C.
(iii). Road D is 1 km west of road E.
(iv). Road G is ½ km south of road H.
(v). Road I is 1 km north of road J.
(vi). Road K is ½ km north of road L.
(vii). Road K is 1 km south of road M.
Which is necessarily true ?

     1) E and B intersect            2) D is 2 km west of B              3) D is at least 2 km west of A       4) M is 1.5 km north of L                5) I is 2 km north of L 

Answer:: Option D

It follows from figure 5 that distance of M from L = LK + KM = ½ + 1 = 1.5 km and M is to the north of L.

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